Thursday 5 June 2014

2nd treatment cycle

I'm sitting in the chemo suite having Oxaliplatin dripped into me. The bag on the drip stand has a big yellow sticker plastered on it which says "CYTOTOXIC DRUG". Google cytotoxic and it's no wonder that you feel like shit for a few days after it's been pumped into your system.

I'm typing this slowly with my left hand as they're using my right arm this time. When the nurse tried to put the line in she unfortunately hit a valve. Ouch! So she had to insert it a bit higher up. She also informed me that chemo damages the veins so they liked it when they got a good, fat healthy one as they can use it a few times before it becomes wrecked.

As I was one of the first in this morning I got my choice of seats and grabbed one next to the window. Here I can see the wind chasing little fluffy clouds (musical reference there folks) across the blue, blue sky. The wind is also playing with the leaves on a cherry tree outside and it's nice to feel a bit in touch with nature when something so unnatural is happening.

The ward is now full and just as I was about to whinge on this blog about the lack of the tea trolley it arrives, staffed by two volunteers. Bliss. A nice cuppa always lifts me and I also had a digestive biscuit to complete the experience.

The side effects have kicked in already and that bloody awful throat thing is evident. It can come on not only when you drink something cold but merely by breathing air which is slightly cold.  So sitting next to the window is somewhat hazardous but on balance I think the benefits outweigh the down side.

However this treatment cycle seems much quicker and I was able to leave after 3 hours, a bit woozy but generally okay.

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