Sunday 18 May 2014


With the nausea continuing I did take two anti emetics yesterday morning but kept it to just the one at lunch and dinner. This kept the feeling of sickness dampened down but I was aware of it all day nonetheless.

Friends had invited us to dinner at theirs yesterday evening and I took along a carton of warm pressed apple juice to drink with the meal. The pudding was an iced meringue parfait which I decided not to attempt to eat (boo) but the rest was delicious and it was good to socialise.

Today I think the sickness has lessened and I'm back down to one anti emetic before meals. Or again, I may just have got used to it. The nerve reaction in my throat persists when I eat or drink cold (or even warm as opposed to hot) stuff but I think I'm feeling less bothered about it mainly because it has been such a warm day and I've needed to drink more. Boiling a kettle to make a warm squash when the temperature is 20 degrees just seems perverse.

I did a run today and whilst it was tough due to the heat I'm glad I made the effort. I did enjoy it too given how lovely the Skyline walk looked.

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